My goal with is to convey topics related to SAP ERP and SAP S/4HANA to as many SAP users and consultants as possible in an understandable, compact and clear manner. I am very pleased that I have already received numerous positive messages from readers. I am enormously happy about every single message. I am often asked how I can be supported. There are numerous ways you can support me quickly and easily.
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There is the possibility that you make your usual purchases through Amazon and I receive a small commission. The prices remain completely the same and no costs arise for you.
I will benefit from your purchases simply by you going to Amazon through this Amazon link and then making your purchases. Thank you very much.
Support ERP UP free on YouTube
There is now also ERP UP on Youtube. On 2nd November 2022 I published the English Youtube channel „ERP UP“. So you can learn interesting facts about SAP ERP and SAP S/4HANA in videos. The videos will be produced in English and reach the most people. Every Sunday at 8am I will publish a new interesting video. To not miss any video and update, you can subscribe to the Youtube channel „ERP UP“ for free.
By subscribing to the channel for free, rating videos with „Like“ and commenting, you can support ERP UP on Youtube. I put a lot of time and effort into these videos and appreciate any kind of support. Many thanks in advance.
Support ERP UP via PayPal
You are welcome to send me a donation via PayPal at any time. It doesn’t matter if you transfer 5, 10 or 50 €. It is the gesture that counts. I am happy about any amount of money. Thank you very much.
Support ERP UP via Udemy
In October 2022, I published the video course „100 Tips and Tricks in SAP ERP“ on the learning platform Udemy. In it, you will learn more than 100 useful tips and tricks in SAP ERP and SAP S/4HANA in a compact and understandable way. In 12 categories and over 7 hours of video length, you will learn tips in the SAP system in a simple and understandable way.
I have put an enormous amount of work, effort and diligence into this video course. If you book this video course, I will receive a part of it from the learning platform Udemy. You get valuable tips and tricks in SAP ERP and SAP S/4HANA. It is therefore a win-win situation. I am very happy if you support me.
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I run out of passion, because I want to help every SAP user and consultant. Write me a positive feedback or with pleasure a criticism. Share the site with as many people as you know. The more SAP users or consultants know about, the more growth can achieve.
I am happy about any feedback. Whether constructive praise, criticism or suggestions for improvement. I write articles to the best of my knowledge and belief. Often I write solutions of own problems. If you can tell me a hint or a problem, I can write an article about it and help people with the same problem. Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot
No matter which option you choose. I would like to thank you very much for any kind of support. I am very happy that you want to give something back to me. Above all, I am happy when I can help you and offer you added value with ERP UP.